Click here: Watch our New Masterclass: The 5 Dangerous Health and Fitness Trends, and How to Overcome Them!

Client Spotlight: Suzy Stock

Uncategorized Feb 07, 2022

To kick off our Love of Self and Neighbor month, we wanted to highlight one way we are helping make our Community Stronger.
We wanted to highlight a special person we have been sponsoring, Suzy Stock. Since we started sponsoring Suzy, she has made amazing progress on her range of motion, and recently hit Personal Records for leg and upper body strength.
In 2021, her group home closed due to staffing, and thanks to help from family and friends, is back on her feet again and has a goal of learning new voice software to help her communicate.
Her advice when dealing with life's challenges, Suzy says to "Never give up, otherwise you will lose all your
Awesome Suzy!!

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Grand Opening

Uncategorized Feb 07, 2022

The Grand Opening Open House was a success!    We thank all of you who could be in attendance.

We thank each of our clients and supporters who have helped make this possible.  It was also awesome to see all the Small Businesses out to support us. 

We at Northstar believe not only provide the ONLY way to roll back the clock to become younger and healthier, but we also believe in making our communities stronger. 

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Mental Health

Uncategorized Feb 02, 2022

We're already a month into 2022!
Here at Northstar, we want to use February as an opportunity to focus on mental health.
Be sure to stay mindful and take care of your own mental health, and be on the lookout for some upcoming posts on different aspects of mental wellbeing!

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Welcome, Ashley!

Uncategorized Jan 31, 2022

Join us in welcoming Ashley to our team!

She is completing her degree in Exercise and Sport Science at UW-L this Spring, with a Minor in nutrition.

Ashley is from Milton, Wisconsin and has a passion for bodybuilding and nutrition!

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Uncategorized Jan 28, 2022

Sleep is one of the most under-utilized aspects of a healthy lifestyle.

Consistent, quality sleep can lead to huge improvements in quality of life, as well as progress towards fitness goals.

Learn more about sleep from Jarrod today!

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Uncategorized Jan 26, 2022

Are you trying to lose weight with resistance training, but aren't making the progress you want?

In addition to strength training, cardio is important for burning excess fat stores and reaching your goals.

Learn from Dakota how we incorporate cardio into programs!

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Uncategorized Jan 24, 2022

Are you finding that working out just isn't fun for you?

Choosing the right modality of training can make a huge impact on having an enjoyable workout, leading to much higher motivation.

If you need help finding the right modality for you, check out this info from Jarrod!

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Uncategorized Jan 21, 2022

Frequency is a very important factor in how quickly and effectively you progress towards your goals.

However, there is a balance between not making any progress and overworking yourself.

Find out which frequency is best and how that affects workout programs from Konner!

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Hip Replacement Alternatives

Uncategorized Jan 19, 2022

Are you struggling with hip pain?

While surgery may seem like the only option, the monetary and bodily costs of these procedures can far outweigh the benefits.

For help finding options besides surgery to get rid of hip pain, check out this information from Dakota!

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Uncategorized Jan 17, 2022

Are you looking for long-term success in your fitness goals, but not sure what steps you need to take?

One of the most important factors in the long-term is periodization, which acts as an outline for how you will progress towards your goals.

Learn more from Konner today!

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