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Rotational Strength

Uncategorized Jul 23, 2024

Rotation and our ability to rotate effectively and efficiently are key components in maintaining a strong and healthy body. Present in a wide variety of movements, rotation needs to be trained and maintained in order to decrease the risk of back and joint pain as well as decreasing the risk of injury. Here are a few great rotational exercises to help improve your rotational strength. 

Rotation is an important aspect of most human movements. From walking to swinging a golf club and even reaching in the back seat to grab a snack on a road trip! These three exercises are some of our favorites to incorporate into our client's programs utilizing our Keiser Functional Training machines to ensure we are moving in multiple planes of motion.

1. Row with Rotation

2. Chest Press with Rotation

3. Wood Chopper

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Protein and Aging

Uncategorized Jul 13, 2024

Protein is crucial for our development from infancy through adolescence and becomes even more essential as we age. As we grow older, our bodies undergo many changes, one of which is a gradual decrease in lean muscle mass. This can lead to daily activities becoming more difficult, longer recovery times from injuries or illnesses, joint pain, and increased body fat. To help our bodies stay resilient and combat these changes, adequate daily protein intake is key. 

Importance of Protein in maintaing Lean Mass as we age

  • As we get older, protein requirements for our bodies to maintain function tend to level off as compared to childhood/adolescence when we need more as we are growing.
  • As we approach 50 years and up, our body becomes less efficient at building and maintaining muscle due to muscle protein synthesis slowing. This leads to a decrease in lean mass.
  • Decreases in lean muscle mass can make normal activities like walking more difficult and can put us at an increased risk of...
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Hip Mobilization for Golf

Uncategorized Jul 10, 2024

Do you want to play better golf this summer while also mitigating aches and pains? One area that holds many golfers back from their best game is tightness in their hips. If you're feeling this problem, do these exercises regularly (especially before a round!). They can't help you hit it straight, but by working your hips to reduce pain and increase mobility your time on the course will be far more enjoyable. 

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Desk Mobilizations

Uncategorized Jul 03, 2024

Stuck at the computer all day? Find yourself feeling stiff in the neck, shoulders or upper back? Give these simple seated exercises a try the next time you find yourself getting a little stiff! 

Protocol: Each movement can be done slow and easy, breathing through any tight restrictions you feel. 

1.Neck Glides- 10 reps

2. Seated Cat Cow-10 reps

3. Elbow Touch to Open- 10 reps


Pro-Tip: Set reminders on your phone or write them on a note to give your body a little movement break every 15-20 minutes when seated for extended periods of time or whenever you find yourself feeling a little stiff! For more tips on how to feel better throughout your day check in with your FC!

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Sciatica Stretches

Uncategorized Jun 26, 2024

Do you experience sciatica pain? Some exercises and stretches help alleviate this pain. The best stretches to do are the ones that strengthen the lower back and abdominal muscles.


1. Knee to chest: this exercise helps with strengthen the abdominal muscles while also stretching the low back - hold each leg for about 10 seconds while alternating legs about 3-5 times. 

2. Birddogs: Keep your core engaged throughout the whole exercise, while not rushing through the movements. The back should stay in a straight line the whole time. Alternate sides, repeating 5 times. 

3. Child's pose to cobra: Sink deeper into the stretch as you go if you can for the childs pose, while in the cobra stretch keep the core muscles tight while holding for a few secon

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Welcome Quinn!

We are proud to announce the newest member of our growing team.  Welcome Quinn Steckbauer!  Quinn Joins us from UW-Oshkosh, where he played basketball for the Titans while he completed his bachelors degree in Strength and Conditioning with a minor in psychology from UW-Oshkosh.

Quinn grew up in Merrill, WI, and he recently received his Certification as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist.  In his free time, he enjoys anything outdoors including camping, biking, and hiking.   He enjoys basketball, golf, tennis, and volleyball, and playing with his cat Dudley, and is a fan of the Green Bay Packers and Milwaukee Bucks.

Quinn says, "I have enjoyed sports and exercise my entire life.  They improve my health and overall well-being.  I want other people to feel that same improvement and be able to achieve their goals!  There's nothing more rewarding than helping someone do something they thought wasn't possible!"

His fiance,...

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Analysis Paralysis

Uncategorized Jun 22, 2024

Too often, we suffer from analysis paralysis - feeling like we have to have all the correct information, the right motivation, and perfect timing to start working on ourselves. More often than not that analysis keeps us stuck in the mud, never actually taking action. If you're looking to make a change in your health and fitness, just remember: something is ALWAYS better than nothing. Put one foot in front of the other and just keep moving forward. You can do it!

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Positive Impact of Walking Post Meals

Uncategorized Jun 15, 2024

Looking to boost your daily activity effortlessly? Try a post-meal walk! Just 5-30 minutes of walking after meals can offer remarkable benefits. See below for some of the positive effects going for a walk has on the body.

1.Aid in Blood Sugar Control: Walking activates muscles that use glucose for energy, which may reduce blood sugar spikes after a meal preventing the usual post meal crash. Research suggests that walking for as little as two to five minutes can help. 

2.Digestion: Walking can help relieve indigestion symptoms like bloating, constipation, acid reflux, and upset stomach. Physical activity like walking can help move excess gas through the digestive tract.

3. Weight management: Walking is a great way sneak in some extra activity into your day which can aid in maintaining a healthy weight

4. Heart health: Regular exercise like walking can lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

5.Sleep: Walking can help...

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Don't Forget to Breathe!

Uncategorized Jun 12, 2024

Do you find yourself tending to hold your breath when you exercise, especially when lifting weights? If so, you're not alone. However, you may be putting yourself at risk for decreased performance and injury.

*This information is meant for general exercise, especially in adults. Guidelines and recommendations will differ for powerlifting and bodybuilding-specific workouts*

So, what happens when you hold your breath during a lift?

Elevated heart rate/blood pressure.

- Whenever you exercise, your heart has to work harder to keep your systems running. When you hold your breath, you reduce/eliminate the oxygen that your body is getting. In response, your body has to work harder to compensate, increasing heart rate and blood pressure. This can be problematic, especially if you're already a higher-risk individual regarding heart health or blood pressure.

Reduced performance.

- Along with glucose, your muscles use oxygen to aid contraction during exercise. While holding your breath can...

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Banded Hip Mobilizations

Uncategorized Jun 05, 2024

Joint distractions are an excellent technique for creating "space" within the joint complex. This space helps reduce friction in tight, compressed tissues, allows more synovial fluid to circulate, and improves movement fluidity. Here are some simple examples of banded hip mobilizations using a heavy band. Incorporate these into your routine and enjoy the benefits of better mobility! Connect with your trainers to see how joint distractions may benefit you!

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