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Which of these are holding you back? Learn the Pitfalls of an Exercise Program and the 3 Keys for Long Term Success

The first step of the fitness journey is the hardest.   We have a desire but no momentum.  And there are other barriers to getting started… 

We say we’ll start tomorrow.  The next day, we again say we’ll start tomorrow, and years later, we still haven’t made progress.  

Some of the most common reasons one fails to get started on their fitness journey:

  • I’ve tried everything and it hasn’t worked. 
  • I have nagging or chronic pain or I am worried about getting injured.
  • I don’t like working out, don’t like to sweat, or don’t like feeling sore.
  • I don’t know if anything will help
  • I’m confused – there are so many options out there.
  • I’m busy

Everyone has been there at some point.  Which one most resonates with you?  Is there one not listed here that has prevented you from starting?

Regardless of the reason, these become real roadblocks preventing us from taking that...

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