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Goals vs. Systems

Uncategorized Sep 02, 2023

Goals are only achievable with a proper plan and sufficient accountability. Are your systems strong enough to support achieving your goals?

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Cardiovascular Activity

Uncategorized Aug 23, 2023

A commonly asked question is why we do cardio at the end of each workout session. The reason we recommend high intensity cardio at the end of the workout session is so we do not use up all of our energy stores before strength training. If we perform cardio at a high intensity before the workout, the chances of fatiguing is much higher and will start much quicker in the workout, rather than doing if after the workout. Form will be much better during the workout because muscles won't be as fatigued as they would be after cardio.

There are also many health benefits to cardiovascular activity such as: 

-Reducing risk of diseases and illnesses,

-Lower blood pressure,

-Strengthens your heart

-Helps sleep better

- Regulates weight or aids weight loss

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Client "Happy Hour"

Uncategorized Aug 20, 2023

Thanks to the clients, friends, and family who spent Thursday evening at Northstar's "Happy Hour"!
Congratulations as well to everybody who took on and completed the putting challenge!

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Uncategorized Aug 19, 2023

Consistency is key! It's very common to start a task, and not finish it due to lack of time or other factors. Consistency will help you go from average to excellence by simply seeing the task through! Stay consistent and watch the outcome be that much greater!

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What is Resistance Training?

Uncategorized Aug 16, 2023

We've had a lot of feedback from our clients that many of their family and friends aren't aware of what resistance training actually is or why they do it. So, we thought it would be a great topic to go over!

The definition of resistance training is "a form of exercise designed to increase muscular strength and endurance by making those muscles work against a weight or force". This means that, anytime you perform an activity that carries, pushes, or pulls something, you are doing a resistance training exercise. Even standing up off your couch or carrying groceries from your car are movements that work your muscles. When it really becomes resistance training is when those types of exercises are organized into a program and repeated consistently over time.

Why is resistance training important? Most people believe that walking/biking/running/swimming is enough exercise to keep them in shape. While those are great options for building endurance and overall health, they fall short because...

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Life is Difficult

Uncategorized Aug 12, 2023

It's easy to choose the path of least resistance, to look for the quick fix to all our problems.
If you're looking for lasting results and pride in your choices, you'll need to avoid those temptations.
Trust the process and avoid the traps of "quick success": The results will be greater and you'll gain far more appreciation for them, because you'll know they've been earned.

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Low Back Exercises

Uncategorized Aug 03, 2023

If your low back pain is preventing you from doing the things you love, you need to strengthen and stretch the low back musculature. Check out this example of exercises to help strengthen the low back along with a stretch to help with pain!

Exercises include: Birddogs- this exercise help with core activation along with stability which helps strengthen the low back. By keeping the core engaged and neutral/straight back, the stability will be easier when lifting opposite arm with opposite leg. 

                              Supermans- this exercise also helps with core activation and stability. Supermans are great low back exercises. 

                             Cobra Stretch- A great stretch to help with low back pain! 


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Hard work

Uncategorized Jul 29, 2023

The results are always worth it, if you work hard. Whether it be a small task or a big a task, as long as you work hard towards that goal, it will always be worth it in the end! Make it a great day!

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Core Activation

Uncategorized Jul 27, 2023

Do you struggle with balance and confidence in daily activities?
If so, odds are you aren't properly activating your core.
A stable core is essential to regain that quality of life you're searching for.
Here you'll find examples of good vs bad core, and an exercise to practice!

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Uncategorized Jul 24, 2023

There's few better feelings than waking up with focused intent on your goals, and ending the day knowing you did everything you could to reach them.
What are you working towards today?

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