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Uncategorized Nov 22, 2023

We've had a lot of questions recently on electrolytes and why we need them. What are they? Why/when do we need them? How much do we need?

What are electrolytes? They are essentially minerals in your blood and other body fluids that carry an electric charge. The body needs these charges in order to facilitate many chemical reactions that make our bodies run properly, namely fluid balance/hydration, muscle contraction, and pH balance. The main electrolytes are sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate, calcium, and phosphate. Magnesium, copper, zinc, iron, manganese, molybdenum, copper, and chromium are also present but less essential. Studies estimate there are 37 billion trillion chemical reactions happening in our bodies every second, with almost all of them being dependent on electrolytes to run smoothly.

For most people, you get enough electrolytes through your normal diet. Electrolyte supplementation usually only becomes needed when you are participating in higher-intensity exercise. Electrolytes are lost from the body in 2 main forms: sweat and urine. So, even if you're drinking a lot of water during exercise, you may still be dehydrated because without electrolytes your body doesn't have a mechanism to utilize that water. When levels are too low, all those chemical reactions needed to make your body function are interrupted as well. This can cause nausea/vomiting, cramps, headaches, and other more serious symptoms if extended for longer periods of time.

When should you take electrolytes? Consuming electrolyte supplements daily isn't recommended, as the fruits and vegetables in your diet will give you as much as you'll need on a regular basis. However, you do want to start consuming electrolytes early before a workout IF you will be exposed to extreme heat OR the workout will be extremely long/taxing (endurance racing, sports practice, etc.). Most recommendations point towards replacing water with an electrolyte drink during a high-intensity workout after the first 30 minutes, as well as having 1-2 servings post-exercise to continue replacing lost minerals. Replacing water with these will ensure you aren't just hydrated, but your body has the tools to continue chemical reactions for your muscle contraction and fluid balance as you exercise. It's important to note that this applies to high-intensity exercise. A daily walk, light lift, or easy bike ride will not cause enough exertion to use up electrolytes or sweating to excrete them. Workouts that need electrolyte supplementation are generally a minimum of 45 minutes, with a 7-8/10 difficulty (although this differs by person!).

How much do you need? 1600-2000mg daily is recommended, so most of the time you will not need additional electrolytes. You will be able to reach those levels through sufficient fruit/vegetable intake. When you do have electrolytes during these times, they'll most likely be filtered through your body and excreted without being utilized. Unless you're drinking high, high levels of electrolytes with no exercise, there isn't much risk of acute problems. However, extra concentrations of these minerals (especially sodium) can put you at a higher risk for diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. When you are exposed to extreme heat or put yourself through a high-intensity workout, it's recommended to have 1-2 8oz drinks containing electrolytes (a bottle of water with one serving of LMNT). A full Gatorade is generally not recommended as the additives counteract many of the benefits given.

How do you get electrolytes? There are many options available, however they are built differently. Many foods are naturally dense in electrolytes, especially fruits and vegetables. Having a diet rich in these will ensure your body has enough for normal daily activities. The most well-known drink is Gatorade. This (and other similar drinks) does contain electrolytes, mainly sodium and potassium. However, they are also jam-packed with sugars, anywhere from 40-70% of recommended DAILY values. Unless you're participating in high-level athletics or training for intense endurance events, these types of drinks usually cost more than they're worth. Better options include powders such as Liquid IV and LMNT. These supplements are pretty thin in terms of ingredients, with the vast majority containing those essential minerals. We would recommend these as the best options for electrolyte supplements without many cons.

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