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Health Benefits of Grilling

Uncategorized Jun 09, 2023

It's summertime, and in Wisconsin that means grilling season!

While we all know how delicious grilled food is, did you know it also has multiple health benefits that can't be found in other methods of cooking?

First, it's actually lower in fat and calories. When you grill, all you are using is food and heat. Compare that to frying or baking, where oftentimes you need oils and butters to aid in the cooking process. By not using these methods, you'll be saving a lot of hidden calories and fats. Along with that, if you're cooking by skillet/oven/fryer you oftentimes cook the food in whatever cooks off it, mostly fat. In a grill, that waste drops through the grates and away from your food. Because of this, your foods will be leaner and lower in calories overall. 

Second, it's more nutritious! With the high heat and shorter cooking temps, studies have shown that many of the nutrients contained in your food will stay there. In fruits and vegetables (especially those with low water content), vitamins and minerals are preserved far more efficiently. We also usually cook fresh vegetables, automatically avoiding preservatives from canned food. In meats, levels of riboflavin and thiamin are contained well on the grill. These vitamins are essential for energy metabolism, keeping us alert and energetic. Compare that to a longer cooking process like baking, where the food has a much longer timeframe to release the nutritional aspects contained and decrease the quality of your food.

Finally, you're outside! Time spent in the sunshine at the grill is hugely beneficial for your physical health and mood. Along with that, think of how many times you were grilling in the company of others. Playing sports with the kids, having a get-together with friends, even playing fetch with your dog between flips of the burgers. Grilling food means spending more time outside and doing activities with others, both highly correlated to physical and mental health. 

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